Dr. Stuart Robinson

About Dr. Stuart Robinson

Dr. Stuart Robinson is a best-selling author and the founding pastor of Australia’s largest Baptist Church. Over the course of six decades of ministry, Dr. Robinson has made a profound impact through his teaching and example on Christian leadership, prayer, church growth, and cross-cultural Christian missions. Always desiring to be a part of something so big it was doomed to failure unless God was in it, he spent fourteen years in South Asia, pioneering contextualised church planting amongst one of the world's largest Unreached People Groups (U.P.G). Previously, despite two centuries of Christian witness to this U.P.G there had been virtually no response. Dr. Robinson and his colleagues saw unprecedented breakthroughs as the God of the impossible fulfilled his promises.

He has authored fourteen books, four of which have reached best-seller status. including the acclaimed "Mosques & Miracles". He is well-known for addressing the critical intersection of Islam and Christianity and offering a positive Christian response to Islam, to what has become the most significant challenge confronting the church and its future existence. His other works delve into the priority of prayer, as outlined in books like "Prayer Power", and the urgency of discipleship to reverse the decline of Christianity, especially in the West.

He provides practical insights into navigating spiritual warfare and the need for prayer and fasting to bring about church revival.

Each year Dr. Robinson responds to invitations around the world to speak at conferences and to train workers in becoming more effective. He focuses on supernatural church growth, prayer, cross-cultural missions, Christian discipleship and the challenge of Islam.

Regardless of the context, his message remains clear: to lead in faith, courage, and a firm reliance upon God. He spells FAITH R.I.S.K. and defines it as “living in the midst of miracles always on the edge of a disaster.” Dr. Robinson has experienced much of both in his decades of ministry in many countries.

Since I first met pastor Stuart Robinson many years ago, I realized that the version of Christianity he testifies to by his life and ministry, is a must for the rest of us to grasp, if we want to be authentic and faithful in our Christianity and our discipleship making endeavor. This book is more than a testimony, more than a textbook, more than instruction. It is a paradigm-changing book.
— Amazon Review 5 Stars


  • Daring to Disciple by Dr. Stuart Robinson

    Daring to Disciple

    Making Jesus' last command our first priority

  • Prayer Power by Stuart Robinson

    Prayer Power

    Changing the world and you

  • Mosques and Miracles

    Mosques and Miracles

    Revealing Islam and God's grace

  • The Hidden Half by Dr. Stuart Robinson

    The Hidden Half

    Woman and Islam

  • The Prayer of Obedience

    The Prayer of Obedience

    Causing supernatural growth

  • Traveling Through Troubled Times by Stuart Robinson

    Traveling Through Troubled Times

    Released from fear through faith with Habakkuk

  • The Challenge of Islam by Dr. Stuart Robinson

    The Challenge of Islam

    Calling the church to act with new decisiveness, humility and devotion

  • Defying Faith by Dr. Stuart Robinson

    Defying Faith

    Zakaria Botross - Apostle to Islam

  • The Promise of Vision by Dr. Stuart Robinson

    The Promise of Vision

    Causing Supernatural Growth

  • Islam Rising by Dr. Stuart Robinson

    Islam Rising

    The Middle East and us

  • Persvering Prayer by Stuart Robinson

    Persvering Prayer

    Growing church supernaturally

  • Positioning for Power by Dr Stuart Robinson

    Positioning for Power

    Kneeling Low in Prayer; Standing Tall in God

  • Praying the Price